Bayou Classic Cypress Grill

by Viking Steve
(Warren MI.)

This is a kamado style grill.

I found it at Lowes on sale and had to have it. Prices on an Big Green Egg were never going to fit my pocket book.

I have grilled amazing steaks in 7 minutes, made smoked meatloaf, grilled salmon, roasted chicken in the last 5 days with family wanting more.

This Grill is on sale for $399.00 on line at if you have wanted a Big Green Egg style grill you can't go wrong.

It comes with a rolling stand, an ash removal tool and extra gasket material. Other brands sell these separate. Online customer service reviews are good. I have found many Big Green Egg extras fit this grill also. Great grill.

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Feb 02, 2022
Stole this Grill
by: Bill S

Can't recommend more highly. I bought the floor model from Lowes. They sold it to me for $100 due to having a small crack on the inside not visible on the outside yet, then gave me a 10% military discount...out the door for $90 plus tax I went to a store and bought a $6.00 tube of ceramic oven cement, spot drilled the crack, applied the cement, and never looked back! This thing is the best!

Feb 08, 2016
Bayou Classic Ceramic Grill
by: Paul

It's great to hear this ceramic grill being raved about although I have seen some opposing views stating that whilst being cheaper than the BGE it's not in the same quality league.

To my knowledge there are at least 5 manufacturers of kamado grills in China and speaking from experience I know that the quality is distinctly variable from manufacturer to manufacturer.

I guess we'll have to wait for a few more reviews to come in before we have a definitive view.

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