Green Egg Grill

by J Frey
(Prescott AZ)

Big Green Egg Grill

Big Green Egg Grill


My neighbors don't have a computer so they asked me to search for the big green egg grill. They had one years ago and want another one.

I have a number of questions (Paul says "and I'll answer them as you ask")

Is the Grill Dome made by the same company? - No it's not. The Green Egg is made in Mexico whereas the Grill Dome is made in India.

Can you get a Grill Dome in a smaller than 'Large" size? - Yes, there is a medium and a small but then a large is the ideal size for 2 people right up to a small party. I cook on an large and frankly it's so economic on charcoal that the size of the grill is irrelevant. When a large is sited in its cradle, it's the perfect ergonomic height, there's no bending down to cook. The other negative is that smaller models don't come complete with an auto hinge.

How would you compare the two? - Cooking wise, there's very little between them, it's down to the quality of components. That said, the Grill Dome appears to have a slightly different shape to its dome and this creates a slightly bigger space for cooking.
The other visible difference is that the Grill Dome has a smooth glazed surface whereas the Big Green Egg has a dimpled surface. The argument for the dimpled surface is that it is more forgiving toward the thermal expansion of the ceramic and therefore there is less chance of the glaze cracking.

There are other manufacturers out there too including Primo, Monolith and Kamado Joe and you might want to check out my full review on the main players on this page.

If they want some kind of cart, which one would be less expensive in the long run? - Both the Egg and Grill Dome have a "nest" or cradle and at $79.95 the Grill Dome is the cheaper of the two. That said, for my money (and design stability) the Monolith cart is the best.

I would certainly recommend the cart for getting the cooking grate to a reasonable height for cooking.

Is there anywhere I can get a catalogue? You can get a catalogue for the Egg by contacting the manufacturer but it doesn't tell you any more than if you printed the pages from their website. I'm assuming that you can do the same for Grill Dome.

The manufacturer's sites are


I cook on a Monolith so I can fully understand why your neighbors want another kamado, they are fantastic to cook on but I have to admit that if I were weighing up the best value for money I would go with Big Green Egg.

Big Green Egg vigorously protect their distribution channel and will not sell direct on the internet. This allows them to control distributor competition and artificially keep the price high, hence the Grill Dome is significantly cheaper.

See Also:-
Kamado Recipes

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Mar 03, 2015
by: Ted

We have been planning to buy a grill that is easy to maintain and which doesn’t cover much space. It should be handy and efficient.

Oct 27, 2010
Green Egg Grill
by: B.P.

I have to agree with Matt. I have an Egg and once it's set up, that's it - it'll cook all day and I never have to tend it at all. It's also supremely economical on charcoal.

Yes, I do feel a little miffed at the high price but I'm not sure that a Grill Dome is exactly the same. Has anyone got experience of cooking on a Grill Dome?

Oct 27, 2010
Justification in price
by: Matt

I don't know what the "right" price is for an Egg or a Dome and I can't compare the two. But, to answer the question on the $600 difference for a vertical smoke, let me just say the following. I borrowed a friend's professional smoker (3/8ths inch steel) and cooked some fantastic boston butts on it. I spent every half hour or so tending the fire to make sure the temperature was just right (not too hot or too cold and tried to limit the variation). I enjoyed the process but it was a long day (3 am to 5 pm).

My brother has an Egg. It took him about an hour to get the temperature to around 250 degrees. He put the butt on the grill around 8 at night. When we woke up in the morning, the temperature was around 220. I think the fire was checked once around 11:00pm. The bbq was just as good...

Again, I don't know if that is worth the extra money to you, but at some level, your time is worth something. I'm a believer...they say steaks on the BGE are even better....

Oct 25, 2010
Give me a break
by: JWW

$600+for what amounts to nothing more than a vertical smoker? There is no physics that can demonstrate a 10 fold difference in performance, so what possible justification is there for the 10 fold difference in price.

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