My lime fish sauce recipe for grilled fish has a hint of chilli and adds a new dimension to a healthy and tasty light lunch.
Many folks automatically head for the lemons when grilling fish but this lime fish sauce recipe will add a new dimension to your next BBQ grill cookout. The addition of chili just gives it a hint of heat, a typically Italian way of serving fish.
This sauce is light in texture and big on flavor so don’t worry about the fact the ingredients don’t seem to make an awful lot. It’s the sort of sauce that just get drizzled over the fish adds a lot of color and with lime, fish sauce and chili there’s plenty of punch packed into a tablespoon.
This sauce turns any grilled white fish filet into something really fresh that I just know that you are going to love it!
Both the fish stock and the fish sauce contain fish.
Yield:- ½ cup 120ml
Preparation Time:- 15 minutes
Cooking Time:- 3 minutes
Total Time:- 18 minutes
A glass jug is ideal for mixing this sauce because it just needs a warm through and I like to give it a blast in the microwave when the fish is almost ready or while I’m serving up.
It’s simple to make, just add all the ingredients into the jug and give it 2 or 3 minutes in the microwave to bring it to the boil and soften the onions a little. When the fish is ready just spoon over a tablespoon or so of the lime sauce and tuck in and enjoy.
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