Low Carb Barbecue Sauce Recipes
The Healthy Choice

My low carb barbecue sauce recipes provide a healthy option without losing any of that BBQ flavor. They are suitable for diabetics and still great on the outdoor BBQ grill. You can enjoy all that barbecuing has to offer with several different low carb barbecue recipes.

When you think about carbohydrates you normally think about bread, pasta, potatoes etc. and you don't usually find these ingredients in barbecue sauce so what do we actually mean when we talk about low carb barbecue sauce recipes?

The carbohydrates that I've mentioned above are what are more commonly known as complex carbohydrates, in other words they are a combination of more simple molecules. Examples of these more simple molecules include glucose or fructose - you guessed it, sugar!

So when we talk about low carb ingredients in BBQ sauce what we're really doing is finding ways to control the amount of sugar. Sugar can then also be categorized into to two forms:

  1. Natural sugars are those which are to be found in the plant
  2. Added sugar is that which is introduced into a product by the food manufacturer (usually in order to enhance flavour)
Use passata as the base for low carb barbecue sauce recipesNo added sugar in passata

It's perfectly possible to avoid added sugar but not so the natural sugars so in the recipe below I'm going to make maximum use of the natural sugars so that I don't have to add more sugar.

The sweetness is going to come from the natural sugars in the onions. You’ll need to be patient to prepare the onions but it’s worth it because it's the caramelization process that adds the natural sweetness to this sauce so no need for added sugar.

Note also that I have used passata for my tomato base, passata is the the juice derived from passing tomatoes through a sieve. Technicalities aside it's a pure tomato sauce. In some other recipes of mine I have suggested that you can substitute passata with ketchup or a pasta sauce but in this recipe you cannot because both ketchup and jars of pasta sauce are packed with added sugar.


The Worcestershire sauce used in this recipe contains both gluten and fish.

Yield:- 2 cups or 480ml

Preparation Time:- 5 mins
Cooking Time:- 2 hours

Total Time:- 2 hours 5 mins


  • 1 onion finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 1 can / carton of passata
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato puree
  • 3 tablespoons of cider vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

A pinch each of:-

  • chili powder
  • cinnamon
  • smoked paprika
  • salt and pepper all to taste


Put the onions in a non stick pan with a tablespoon of water and cook very very gently for an hour or two until the onion starts to brown (not burn).

Plenty of time now to light the BBQ.

Next add the tomato paste and water it down with the passata stirring all the time so that you don't get any lumps.

Now throw in the rest of the ingredients, whisk them together and bring to the boil; simmer for 30 minutes and now you’re in business. A healthy low carb bbq sauce.

More Low Carb Barbecue Sauce Recipes

For other low carb options don’t forget to check out my Diabetic Barbecue Sauce Recipe

There are also less traditional barbecue sauces that don't contain added sugar. Check out my Alabama White Barbecue Sauce for example.

Low carb white barbecue sauce

The final option (and the one I prefer) is to choose any of my Barbecue Sauce Recipes and do a three mile jog before lunch!

Related Pages:-

More Delicious Homemade Barbecue Sauce Recipes
Diabetic Barbecue Sauce Recipe
Healthy BBQ Options

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